Refund policy

If you are not completely satisfied with your Ostrichpillow®, no problem! You may return your Ostrichpillow® order for $4,99 within 100 days of receipt if you have purchased online at


If you want to return it because the product is defective, please fill out our Warranty form here.


Before starting the return process, here are some important info to remember:



  • You will receive an e-mail with the return instructions if the return gets approved.


  • You will have up to 7 days to send back the item, counting from the day you receive our authorization. Returned items must be in the original packaging, including any accessories, manuals, and documentation with no signs of use and in perfect state. If your product is a LightLoop or Mini, the label around the pillow has to be intact. If your product is Bamboo Compression Socks, unfortunately, for hygiene reasons, we cannot accept any returns or provide a refund. Candle can only be returned if unused.


  • While we try to make every effort to stretch out as far as we can, sometimes it is not possible. Only returns sent from the same country where the item was originally delivered are subject to getting approval for the return process.


  • Upon arrival, the return will undergo quality control. If everything complies, we will issue a refund minus the original shipping costs within 30 days. If the return does not pass quality control, the order will get shipped back to you at your own expense, and the case will be considered closed with no possibility to appeal.


  • We do not offer refunds for VAT, as it is the delivery country the one who imposes all customs duties, fees, and other import tariffs. We invite customers to contact customs authorities in the country or area in which they had their order delivered to ask about tax refund procedures.


  • Returns made without our authorization will be refused.